ask us

To schedule an initial intake session, please call or Whatsapp 02-380-3060 or email office@jtc.org.il.
JTC provides therapy at a flat rate of 150 NIS per session. Needs-based sliding scales are available for select circumstances.

No. Everyone who comes to JTC begins with an initial intake session. Based on the information provided and the clinical needs presented, the clinical team will assign an appropriate therapist.

At this point in time, we do not accept US or kupat cholim insurance.

JTC works with adults of all ages. The clinic does not see children or early teens, however we will see clients  who are 16 or 17 years of age with signed parental consent.

The role of the Jerusalem Therapy Centeris to provide therapeutic services. Our role is not intended to gather information, make judgments, or provide evaluations or expert opinions for the courts, or to other official offices (e.g.,Bituach L’eumi).